Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo in the January portrait give away. All photos were numbered and the winner was chosen with an RNG. Congratulations to Lisa! I have emailed you your portrait at full-size and print-ready.
Keep your eyes peeled for the February competition which will be starting in the next few days.

Original Post: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you have all had a wonderful break and got totally sloshed on eggnog/baileys/moonshine or whatever you local tipple is. January always sucks with it's back to work downer, the post-Christmas blues, diets, gyms, resolutions about being a better person... urgh! Well here is something to cheer you up, a bit of friendly and free competition! Up for grabs is a professional, hand drawn portrait of your beloved pet (dog, cat, horse, spider, sea monkey, etc...) drawn by me and supplied to you via email at very high quality. All you need to do is join the website and post a good quality photo of your special friend in the comments below. At the end of the month I will use an RNG (random number generator) to select the winning entry and warn up my stylus! What are you waiting for... GO!
My sweet Charlie. We lost his mother at the young age of 9 due to degenerative myelopathy, thankfully he is not afflicted with that horrible disease. He is my constant shadow and the most gentle soul with our son. He will be 11 in April and I'm grateful for every day he is with us.
This is my wonderful gelding, Riki. The photo is not the greatest quality, but it is my favourite picture of him. He saved my life metaforically and literally many times <3
If the quality is too bad to be replicated, I do have some professional-grade photos of him as well, just none where he's as magnificent as here :')
What a great photo Natalie, Rey is gorgeous.
This is Rey, she's obsessed with the beach!
This is RPD vine boo bear for obvious reasons. 11 years old retired police dog putting her paws up
Callie, my first rescue, she changed my life and fed my love of dog training. She just wants to please, a joy to have in our family and an experienced dog in tv/film.
Tia, my foster dog that stayed 🙈🤣 abondoned at Gatwick airport, now my most experienced filmdog.
Pixie, my rescue lurcher now working filmdog and family dog.
Hunter, my rescued wolfdog now working filmdog and previous member of the family.
This is Diesel, my best buddy
This is Bambi. No longer with me and greatly missed.
The most amazing ❤️boy... gorgeous but quirky, in every way..
Alfie aka Sloth
Sadly no longer with us but your story's were loved by so many...he had the biggest fan club.
Our beautiful Belle who crossed the rainbow bridge just before Christmas ❤️
Remy, the only one of mine and my bestie's 5 dogs yet to be immortalized by Dan!!
Oh god, she's gorgeous! I've got a Goldendoodle myself, she's 9 and still daft as a brush.
My sweet Lexi. She is the sweetest girl in the world. She is a standard parti-color goldendoodle. Lexi is 11 months old. Still a baby!